Develop inclusive tourism offerings with our Accessible Tourism program

Complete the Accessible Tourism Assessment to understand where your business is currently benchmarked, and get a report that you can share with potential guests to help them understand your accessibility. 

Participate in free assessments, workshops, and more to improve your business’s accessibility and communicate it effectively to your visitors. The Accessible Tourism Accreditation program assists businesses to improve and communicate their accessibility for visitors across five areas:

  • Low hearing
  • Cognitive/autism
  • Limited mobility
  • Mobility aids - wheelchairs and scooters
  • Low vision

Businesses that complete the program and become accredited receive Accessible Tourism brandmarks to promote themselves to potential visitors as an Accessible Tourism Accredited business in the areas where the business meets the required standard.

To start your Accessible Tourism Accreditation, become a Tourism Council WA member today.

Become a member Enquire now


What's Included?

The Accessible Tourism program provides comprehensive support to help businesses enhance their accessibility. When you join, you’ll gain access to a variety of benefits, including:

  • Online assessment tool providing an Accessibility Guide for guests and an internal report for businesses
  • Free on-site assessments by Spinal Life Australia (limited time only)
  • Training workshops on accessible tourism and the guest experience
  • Insights into catering to travellers with varying mobility or sensory needs
  • Strategies to improve accessibility and appeal to a broader market
  • Accessible Tourism Accreditation to improve and communicate your business’s accessibility
  • Eligibility for the Excellence in Accessible Tourism Award
  • Accessible tourism toolbox with videos and materials to help improve business accessibility
  • Use of the Accessibility Information Available guide and logo on your website

Become a Tourism Council WA member today to start the Accessible Tourism Accreditation program. If you’re already a member, sign up online to get started.

Become a member Enquire now