Rottnest Funding Boost Builds Tourism Jobs

27 April 2024

Tourism Council WA has welcomed the combined $190 million in State Government funding for Rottnest Island and Fremantle B-Shed upgrades in the 2024-25 State Budget, announced today.

Tourism Council WA CEO Evan Hall said close to 800,000 people visited Rottnest Island in 2023, generating visitor spending of $283 million, 2,180 total jobs across WA and annual tax revenue of $26 million, which can be re-invested in hospitals, schools and other public services.

“Rottnest Island is an international drawcard, one of the few places where you can have an overnight beachfront experience - it’s what WA is famous for,” Mr Hall said.

“We strongly support the investment in island infrastructure, particularly the staff housing which is so critical to maintaining staffing levels and quality of service on the island.

“We welcome the upgrade of the Fremantle B-Shed to turn the waiting area into an arrival experience with opportunities for events and attractions.”

Mr Hall said the development of staff housing and utilities would enhance the overall visitor experience from departure in Fremantle, the trip on the ferry, and the Rottnest Island stay. 

He said infrastructure would drive better experiences and services, but also increase capacity, and bring additional visitors who can have a safer and better experience. This would in turn attract more tour operators to Rottnest Island, creating more jobs and things to do for Western Australians. 

Tourism Council WA CEO Evan Hall said the State Government’s announcement was consistent with long-term Tourism Council WA advocacy for Rottnest Island infrastructure and utilities upgrades, which was essential to attract international guests. 

“It is critical that we invest in our top drawcards like Rottnest Island to attract international visitors to Western Australia,” Mr Hall said.

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Media Contact: Elena Morabito, Communications Officer, / 0434 712 230