AGM 2017

1. Details           

Details of the Annual General Meeting of Tourism Council Western Australia Ltd are as follows:

Date:        Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Time:       1700 – 1800 followed by networking function
Place:       Aloft Perth, 27 Rowe Avenue, Rivervale
Register:  To register your attendance, click here.

2. Agenda

You can download a copy of the 2017 AGM Agenda and Resolutions for the meeting and the Minutes for the 2016 AGM.

3. Financial Statements

The Tourism Council WA Audit Report 2017 and audited Directors Report and Financial Statement 2017 are being presented for adoption at the AGM.

4. Special Resolution

The AGM will consider a special resolution regarding reforms to the Constitution. For full details and a copy of the revised Constitution go to AGM Special Resolution.

5. Directors Election

Five (5) eligible nominations have been received for the three (3) Elected Director vacancies for the Tourism Council WA Board. Consequently, a ballot will now be held.

The primary representative of financial Ordinary Members will receive an electronic ballot by secure email from our election service provider Cirrena IVS. The electronic ballot commences at 09:00 WST on Tuesday 3 Oct 2017 and closes 17:00 hrs WST on Wednesday 11 October 2017. The result of the electronic ballot will be declared at the AGM.

Profiles of the eligible candidates will be issued next week. For details of the Directors Elections 2017, click here

6. Financial Members Only

Please note that only current financial Members are entitled to vote in the electronic ballot and attend the AGM. If you are unsure of your financial status please contact