Business - Prices & Rates

The charts show changes in prices and rates in your region, sector and in domestic tourism across Australia. These charts are from two different data sources, the TCWA BAS and the ABS CPI HTA.

Prices include room rates, entry fees, fares, retail prices and other rates charged by tourism businesses. Use these charts to consider changes in prices and rates for your business.

This chart shows the average increase in WA tourism business prices and rates in the most recent quarter. Use this chart to compare with your own business pricing for your region, size or sector. (Source: TCWA BAS)

This chart shows the increase in WA tourism business prices and rates over time. Use this chart to consider the trend in pricing for your region, size or sector. (Source: TCWA BAS)

This figure is the current percentage change from the previous year in the CPI for domestic holiday accommodation and travel. This is the changing prices paid (inflation) by Australians to holiday in Australia. This is the best and most recent data on interstate tourism prices. Use this figure to consider pricing changes for your business compared to changes in domestic tourism prices. (Source: ABS CPI HTA)

This chart is the trend in CPI change (prices) for domestic holiday accommodation and travel. Use this chart to consider pricing changes for your business compared to trend in domestic (interstate and intrastate) tourism prices. (ABS CPI HTA)