New technology has changed the way consumers move, stay and play, and is doing so at a cracking pace. This intermediate workshop seeks to simplify this process and looks at the world outside of Facebook, exploring emerging platforms, management tools, trends and game-changers.
Ideal for those with a sound understanding of digital marketing, the workshop will provide valuable insight into the various social media platforms, and where tourism providers should focus their attention going forward.
This workshop covers:
- Emerging trends in digital marketing;
- Hashtags – what are they and how they are best used;
- The rise of video and live streaming;
- Snapchat vs. Instagram – which is better for your business;
- Twitter, Pinterest and other fringe platforms;
- Platform management tools; and
- Tools and tricks for those on a budget.
To register for an upcoming Digital Marketing workshop, click here.
If you are interested in organising a complimentary one-on-one eTourism Coaching Session or Digital Review, click here.
If you would like to arrange a workshop for your business or destination contact Tourism Council WA on 9416 0700.