This workshop is suited to tourism operators looking to target Chinese visitors.
In 2023, WA attracted 42,000 Chinese leisure visitors, recovering to 78% of pre-COVID (2019) levels. Visitors and spend from this market makes them WA’s fourth largest international market, with a $79 million spend for this period.
Tourism Council WA invites you to attend our comprehensive China Ready workshop to prepare you to service the growing Chinese market by understanding:
- Cross-cultural training for managers and service staff
- Culture, history, traditions, and taboos
- Meeting, greeting and serving
- Expectations from accommodation, F&B and tourism services
- Language and names
China Ready & Accredited® Certificate
At the end of the workshop attendees can complete a free assessment for China Ready & Accredited® Certification. Certified staff are an essential requirement for a business to become China Ready & Accredited®.