eTourism Marketing is critical to attracting and retaining customers, bookings and sales. Tourism Council WA's series of eTourism Workshops will establish and develop your online presence and digital marketing channels.
Facebook Marketing for Tourism
While Facebook has had a tumultuous year, the platform is still a mighty beast. 8 in 10 people are now social media users, and of those users, 94% are active on Facebook. It is still one of the most powerful marketing tools small businesses have at their disposal. While organic reach and engagement may be harder to achieve, it’s certainly not time to give up on Facebook just yet.
In this session, we dig deep into the platform, ensuring you’re comfortable with all aspects of the site; from the fundamentals of pages and groups, to using Business Manager, creating Facebook adverts and truly understanding your Analytics. We’ll explain the difference between reach and engagement, look at the laws around running competitions and examine Facebook Live and video posts.
The workshop covers the following topics:
- Facebook Fundamentals
- The Algorithm
- Types of Posts
- Scheduling
- Pages v Groups
- Business Manager
- Offers and Competitions
- Analytics
- Intro to Advertising
- Working with Influencers
- Facebook Live and Stories
- Best practices for video
This intermediate-level workshop looks at how tourism providers can use the platform to maximum effect. Ideal for those with an understanding of Facebook for business, this workshop takes a hard look at some of the more technical elements of the platform that are crucial to engaging and influencing consumer behaviours.
To register for upcoming workshops, click here.
If you are interested in organising a complimentary one-on-one eTourism Coaching Session or Digital Review, click here.
If you would like to arrange a workshop for your business or destination contact Tourism Council WA on 9416 0700.