Optimising Instagram for Tourism Businesses

This is an intermediate workshop for participants who have had some experience using Instagram but want to learn more about all its features and optimise its use to promote their business.

Instagram is increasingly the key social media platform tourism businesses use to market their product and connect with target customers. It now includes a wide range of features and this workshop will give hands-on experience with these, as well as helping participants produce an Instagram strategy for their business.

Topics will include:

  • effectively completing your Instagram profile and displaying links
  • optimising Instagram posts in the main feed - including captions and hashtags
  • using Instagram Stories to connect and engage with your audience
  • how to make Instagram Reels and what kind will work for your business
  • understanding and using Instagram insights and analytics
  • best use of Instagram DMs for your circumstances
  • collaborative posts and working with influencers
  • your Instagram road map - overall strategy for your use of Instagram to reach your marketing goal

To register for an upcoming Optimising Instagram for Tourism Businesses workshop, click here.

If you would like to arrange a workshop for your business or destination contact Tourism Council WA on 9416 0700.