Visitors - Short Term Visitor Arrivals Perth Airport Passengers

These charts show Short Term Visitor Arrivals (STVA) to Western Australia. STVA includes all international arrivals who intend to stay in Australia for 12 months or less and who intend to stay in Western Australia.

The data is collected from passenger arrival cards at air and seaports. While most STVA to WA are through Perth Airport international terminals, it does include passengers arriving at other ports and transferring domestically to WA. The data is produced monthly but is not published until after Perth Airport data.

STVA is a count of passenger movements, not international visitors, and includes all visitor types such as international students. While STVA is not a measure of actual international visitor numbers it is the most recent data on the trend (increase or decrease) in international visitors to WA.

Use this data as the most up to date assessment of international visitation to WA. 

Source: Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics, Overseas Arrivals and Departures. (BITRE, OAD)

Use this data as the most up to date assessment of the growth or decline of international visitation to WA on a quarterly basis. 

Use this data as the most recent monthly assessment of the growth or decline of international visitation to WA. Please note that monthly data is more recent but more volatile than quarterly data.