eTourism Marketing is critical to attracting and retaining customers, bookings and sales. Tourism Council WA's series of eTourism Workshops will establish and develop your online presence and digital marketing channels.
Working Smarter Online
A basic website and a Facebook page is not enough anymore, and this workshop is for those that need to develop and enhance their online presence.
Topics covered in the workshop include:
- Basic components of online marketing for tourism businesses;
- Essential aspects of tourism website design;
- Overview of search engine optimisation (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM);
- Overview of tourism relevant social media avenues; and
- Measurement and monitoring of online activities.
To register for an upcoming Working Smarter Online Workshop click here. To find out more about the eTourism Advanced Workshop, click here.
If you are attending this workshop, it is not recommended that you also attend Websites, SEO, SEM and Analytics on the same day, as there is some duplication in materials presented. We’d welcome you to attend this follow up workshop at a later date to learn some more in-depth information.
If you are interested in organising a complimentary one-on-one eTourism Coaching Session or Digital Review, click here.
If you would like to arrange a workshop for your business or destination contact Tourism Council WA on 9416 0700.