The Tourism Emissions Reduction program enables tourism operators to undertake an online emissions assessment and develop a tailored emissions reduction plan which can be published on their website to demonstrate their commitment to improving their sustainability.
Sustainable Tourism Accreditation unlocks access to the Tourism Emission Reduction program, and creates a natural progression for businesses who wish to enhance their sustainability practices.
The Tourism Emissions Reduction program provides businesses with an emissions estimate and a tailored emissions reduction plan. Businesses can demonstrate their waste and emission reduction measures to visitors via a link and QR code.
The program is composed of a three part process: commit, reduce and avoid. First, the business calculates its emissions from various sources, such as business travel and staff travel times. This stage will help businesses understand where emissions are created, identify focus areas to make a positive impact by reducing emissions, and show how business's emissions change over time.
During Stage 2, an action plan is developed to adjust operations and start cutting emissions by creating unique actions and determining a time frame to achieve them.
During Stage 3, businesses develop a plan to adopt renewables for its energy needs and set a future date to transition to renewables (if not already done so) and the preferred renewable option.
Tourism Emissions Reduction Commitment benefits
Businesses that undertake the Tourism Emissions Reduction Commitment will:
- Be licenced to use the Tourism Emissions Reduction Commitment logo, empowering visitors to travel in a sustainable way.
- Demonstrate their commitment to enhancing the sustainability of their products, mainly through reducing their carbon emissions.
- Improve their submission in the Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards by demonstrating their commitment to reducing emissions.
- Meet standards for DBCA licences of three years or longer in Nationals Parks and protected areas.
- Access to the Tourism Toolbox which includes resources for tourism businesses to review and improve their sustainability practices.
To undertake the assessment, contact a Membership Officer at Tourism Council WA on (08) 9416 0700 or send us an email and we will provide you with the Tourism Emissions Reduction Commitment information, or click here to learn more about Sustainable Tourism Accreditation.