Practical Training Workshops

Learn how to save time & money, take your customer service to the next level, attract more visitors, impress tourists and plan for the future with our practical training workshops.

Plus, get 50% OFF all workshops, and access on-demand educational webinars when you become a Tourism Council WA member.

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Discover the power of accessible tourism and gain an understanding into catering to travellers of all abilities.

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Learn how to drive business and revenue through improved customer service and sales techniques.

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Develop an in-depth marketing plan and strategise how to effectively deliver it to your customers.

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Learn how to create a PR plan, implement it effectively and get your name in front of the right people.

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Learn how to enter the Tourism Awards with a competitive submission.

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Learn all about tourism distribution and the benefits of working with online travel agents, inbound tour operators, wholesalers and visitor centres, as well as how to set your rates correctly.

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Learn everything you need to know about getting started in WA tourism—discover industry terminology, available tools and how to make your business stand out.

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Learn about the target market of your region and gain practical marketing advice.

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